Sunday, May 16, 2010


It's 6 hours until we fly into Dominican Republic and I could not be more excited. I really don't know what to expect there, but I hope that the knowledge and experience I have gained over the past year will help while I am in the Dominican Republic. For the past several days, I have been staying with a friend in Fort Lauderdale. Since I have never experienced the life of a South FLoridian, my friend showed me around. We visited the Hard Rock Casino, went to the Improv ( a comedy club), went out to dinner, and fished off the pier. The highlight of my stay in South Florida was South Beach!!!

During my 2 week stay in the Dominican Republic, I will be living with a host family who has agreed to take me in, help ensure that I receive a grasp of their culture, cook traditional meals, and make sure that my overall stay is pleasant.

Since I will be abroad for 2 weeks, I will have have limited communication to my family and friends back in the United States. This blog will serve as the only communication I will have. I will try to encompass all the enriched details and information needed for people to get a feel for the culture and experience I will be having in the DR.

If anyone has any questions about the culture of DR, any information that they would like to know, or anything else they wish to gain from my experience during the next 2 weeks, feel free to post comments or questions on this blog and I will be sure to get back to you with the information you desire.

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