Sunday, May 23, 2010

The National Palace

Before we went to the national palace, we stopped by the mall. This mall was crazy, there is a bank inside with armed guards. I haven’t seen so many guns in my life. It seems like the weapon of choice in this country is the PISTOL GRIP SHOTGUN! Anyways, we ate lunch and walked around a bit. Taco Bell, KFC and Haagen Dazs ice cream were just a few restaurants that I recognized.

Here is a pic I snapped!!!

Yes, there is a hooters in the Dominican!! I was surprised. The waitress, Louisa asked if I was afraid. I guess my facial expression lead her to believe that I was. I was speechless, that place should be illegal!!

Santo Domingo is the center of the national government of the Dominican Republic. The National Palace, which is the President's office, as well as the National Congress, are located in the metropolitan area. The current mayor of the City of Santo Domingo is Roberto Esmérito Salcedo, of the governing Dominican Liberation Party. The city is administered by the Ayuntamiento del Distrito Nacional (City Hall), which is responsible for municipal functions. The "Policía Nacional" (National Police) and "Policia Turística" (Tourist Police) (POLITUR) are tasked with enforcing city safety.

The president does not live in the palace like OBAMA and his family do. Its more like a place used to hold meetings, sign important documents and eat dinner. Our Guide explained to use that famous music videos and movies have been filmed here.

Natalie talking a pic with the guards (There’s no way in HECK I was about to pose with a bunch of gun toting guards!!!)

Located at the main entrance stand 12 guards armed with MP4 automatic machine guns!!

Our tour lasted about 30 minutes. We were rushed out of the palace for some unknown reason. I think the president was returning from who knows where. Overall I am pleased with my experience in Santo Domingo. I’ve never been to the White House but this is the Dominican Republic’s Equivalent!

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