Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 Days of Work

Over the past days we have been working in the bilingual school. It has been a great experience. This study abroad experience is allowing me and my fellow classmates to experience different cultures, educational systems, and teaching methods. Some of us, myself included, have been given the opportunity to teach lessons.

Here is a Pic with my classmates and I.

Day 1 - The day began at 6:30am. I know, I know who rises up that early? Adam and I ate egg sandwiches. Our driver picked us up at 7:30 and we arrived at the school around 8. This school is ran very differently. In the beginning of each school day, all students line up outside in the courtyard area. The announcements are read aloud by a student via microphone. She was so nervous. Then the principal lead the school in the Dominican National Anthem. Finally, the students of Texas Tech were introduced. I felt like a celebrity.

I am working towards my certification in science. This will make me valuable where ever I go, so I have been told. I personally met with the president of the school. It turns out that I will work closely with him for the duration. The President, Mr. Diaz introduced me to the science instructors and gave me a personal tour of the campus. We talked about the schools mission and the demand for science instructors, not just here but all-over Santiago. More on that conversation later.

My fellow classmates and I visited with students in a variety of classrooms.

I know you are wondering why these students are so young. This private school is K-12.
As you can see from the photo, the students were very receptive of us.

I spoke with one science instructor in particular, Kathryn. She explained to me that she was reviewing in her classroom. Kathryn teaches health. I have no background in health what so ever. I asked her If it would be ok to lead the review tomorrow, she smiled and said, "students love new blood." Kathryn then gave me the book and a review worksheet that I should be looking at right now.

Mr. Diaz gave me the review sheet from the physical science class for tomorrow as well. This class is having a substitute all week. Looks like I will be leading a review in two classrooms for the first time tomorrow. BOY I CANT WAIT.

After the long day at school, we ate lunch at the museum in Santiago, Centro Leon. This museum has it's own cigar factory, equipped with two well trained rollers. No, I did not purchase any tobacco products. The art was nice. We were given a guided tour of the facility and information about D.R's history. Here are some pictures.


The guards did not allow us to use cameras.. Sorry

Natalie with Cigar Roller!! We were allowed to take photos in the cigar warehouse.

Special Lady.. She was so excited to speak with Natalie and I. She joined the Peace Corps back in 1999 and served in the Dominican Republic. She is now a resident of the island.


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