Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today was a great day Adam and I woke up to corn flakes with sugar & cinnamon!! Cinnamon in ceral??, this was new to me, I have had cinnamon toast crunch but never cinnamon frosted flakes.. Anyways this was also served with pineapples and leche (milk) Fresh cows milk from the utters!!!! That milk was a BANGGER!!!

After breakfast we did a number of things, but before I get into that you need to know this... My spanish is sub-par and I am struggling, I cant communicate, I am hating myself for not trying to learn spanish at UF. I chose to memorize and forget. anyways!!

Before we dropped by the central commercial(mall) we went to one of my host mothers many jobs "I am not the not the only one grinding", a restaurant where she sells candy. This is the most expensive spot in Santiago says my host brother. She went in first and we waited in the car. From the car I saw a man with a shotgun sitting in a lawn chair. I asked my host brother "Why in the world is this dude gun totting out here in this Rico area (Rich) in the middle of the day" He replied "hes a watchman" I will get pics of watchmen later, I am still a bit shaken-up by this. After about 5 min in the heat I was like "can we please go inside and get yo momma" So we went inside the restaurant, which was closed, got the presidential tour and finally left for the mall.

The mall was nice, we had to park under the mall and take the elevator up. They had a KFC and Burger King. It was THICK(packed) with workers. After the mall we came home, the maid served us Rice and Beans (Morrow).. I called myself morrow because I am a struggler with this language. I am hoping I can tighten up quickly. This immersion is tricky.


I dont want to get into the traffic situation.. there were many people driving motorcycles and scooters. These people were very brave, I used to have a scooter in Gainesville and I was scared out of my mind when driving during rush hour, but here nooo, these people are dare devils. On the BLOCK you will see people selling ice cream and bananas. But what surprised me the most were the traffic signals. Next to the green/yellow/red signal is a box with a count-down to the GREEN LIGHT!!! 70,69,68,67. Why dont we Americans have something like this back home? It was pretty cool.

Traffic Light

I took a 4 hour nap. I think its because the humidity and sun.. I am from FLORIDA, but I have been land locked in Lubbock for the past 8 months. Therefore I am not used to the heat. I also napped because I am still recovering from South Florida! "Yes I am going to milk my trip to South Florida for as long as possible"

For dinner we ate Sandwiches, I told my host mother no HAM OR BEEF, but I had no choice but to eat a ham sandwich, and i scrapped the plate!!! It was good. We then got picked up by our driver KINKO.. HE took us and 12 other classmates to a jazz club.

On a side note, I know you are wondering what happened to the girls and professors that had to wait in Dallas because the airplane wing needed repair. Well, turns out they finally left Dallas and had to sleep in Miami for the night one girl told me that they all had to sleep on the floor "I think that was the cerveza (beer) talking. When they arrived to Santiago they arrived without luggage. To top it off they came straight to the Jazz club without showering, I could smell them in the Van and in the Club. LOL J/K I felt bad for them, if it were me I would have stayed home and ate Pollo all night long, showered and slept. Those poor girls looked so tired.

The Jazz club was fun, I have video and Pictures. We made it home around 12am. I told my host mother in espanol what I would like for breakfast tomorrow; eggs,toast,bacon and leche.. Then I had to have Adam translate to her that I am not an ANIMAL and I apologize if I sound demanding when I attempt to speak in Spanish, its just that I am really animated!! She understood. I know I will catch the best eggs on the island tomorrow.


Our waiters name was RAMON! He looked like... well never mind what he looked like, just know he served about 20 Texas Tech students, and when he delivered the check he stood there rubbing his hands together...GRINNING like he hit that 20million dollar powerball and tonight was payday.

It's pretty late now my roommate Adam is snoring and I have to be up in 3 hours. Some people want to know exactly what I have done everyday asap!! So here it is, no sleep for RANDALL. Until tomorrow. Here is the video of the JAZZ CLUB!!

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